Monday, February 14, 2011

Speaking the Truth in Love

I love having people who will speak truth into my life. It's never comfortable, but it's so good. And I love it when those same people are also open to having truth spoken into their lives. Which is why I so enjoy meeting with my director Shaun. Whenever we meet for discipleship, I come away refreshed and challenged in some way, and I feel the freedom to bring things up about him that I might see. Today's d-time was really uncomfortable... in a really good way. Not that the convo was uncomfortable, but that what God brought up about me was somewhat painful to realize.

It's a good thing that the theme passage for today has been Ephesians 2. It's where I am in my quiet times (it was awesome to read about God's grace and love for me on Valentine's Day), and it's the verse Shaun had for me for discipleship today too! So yeah, I love that God is bringing stuff up in my life, but also framing it with reminders of His awesome love and mind-blowing grace.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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