Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Healthy Discussion

Our whole staff team had dinner together tonight, which was pretty sweet, and we spent most of the time at dinner talking about different ministry philosophies and personal ministry preferences. It was such a good and needed discussion. See, we're all fairly new to this place, and so we're all trying to figure out how to run a movement here. Shaun and Karisa are doing such a great job of leading us in it, but they're leading only like half a step ahead of us as they figure things out. It's really humbling to be doing ministry in a place where we're all learners, where we're all somewhat considered "outsiders", and where none of us can rely on past ministry experiences or personal ministry skills, because it's so different here... we have no choice but to completely rely on the Lord's guidance. It's hard. We need prayer. But we are loving it :)

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