Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Job Can Be Heartbreaking

Soularium is a reaaaaally cool tool made by CCC that uses photos to start spiritual conversations. The images and questions about them (e.g., which 3 pictures would you choose to describe what you want your life to be like) really get people thinking, and often, a really good conversation happens.

Today, Jamie and I used Soularium to have a conversation with two students (a guy and a girl) from China. There was definitely a language barrier, but we fought through it (good practice for this summer in Tokyo). But something happened with the third question that I won't soon forget. Question 3 is "Which picture would you choose to describe your idea of God?" The girl chose this picture:

In my years of using Soularium, I have NEVER, EVER had anyone choose this picture for their idea of God. She quickly described that she doesn't believe in God and that it is a completely closed door (in the photo, the gate is chained and locked shut). I've had quite a few conversations with strangers in my time, but for some reason, this answer really jarred me. To think that she's that closed off to even the idea of there being a Higher Power (one that, incidentally, happens to love her more than she'll ever be able to know)... it just broke my heart. I guess it was a good refresher in having a broken heart for the lost, but still, it sucks. Please pray for her, and that her much more spiritually open guy friend might be used by the Lord to soften her.

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