Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"A Movement of Discipleship and Evangelism"

Jamie got to take a girl she disciples out for her first time doing campus evangelism, Natalie got to meet with a few Christian international students from Korea to encourage them, I got to have a really rich discipleship time with JR where we explored some deep issues, and our meeting, though small in number today, was a blessed time of doing Soularium (see post-a-day #39) as a group and using that to get to know each other more deeply... which was perfect because a girl who is a friend of one of our Cru guys decided to join us today for the first time, and she's not a Christian at all, so it was the perfect way to introduce a community of people seeking deeper spiritual understanding to her without intimidating her too much (she knows that we're Christian and that we usually study the Bible, and she came anyway!).

Campus Crusade for Christ calls itself "a movement of discipleship and evangelism", and today was a full, productive, blessed day of living up to our aim at Kapiolani Community College :)

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