Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why Do I Freak Out?

I won't lie... I faced some pretty major discouragements this morning. This whole dealing-with-directing-a-project-to-a-place-that-has-radiation-"dangers" thing was starting to weigh on me. But I have friends and family praying for me/the trip/the team, and it's helped a lot.

Maybe God thought/knew that I needed a pick me up, but I had quite an exciting afternoon, after the tough morning. After small group, I got to stay back and talk for quite a while with a guy who came for the first time. He definitely seemed to know a lot about the Bible, but we got to go reaaally deep into what the Gospel really is all about, and it was such a blast watching his face as his mind kept on being blown by what God actually did in Jesus. My new friend's response was "Wow. That's... unbelievable. That's so amazing. I don't know that I can believe that!" It was great. I got to tell him that it's good that he's not sure he can believe it, because it is THAT amazing, and it shows that he understands it. That encouraged him and now he wants to go and talk to God and ask for faith to just believe and take it. SO. FUN. (pray for him!)

Then I had d-time with Steven. Right at the end of it, it started pouring. And we both had parked almost a mile away, so we just claimed Jesus and told the rain to stop, and it instantly calmed down to like halfway. Then we looked at each other a bit shocked and a bit ashamed of being shocked, and prayed it again, and it instantly calmed down again. After the third time, it just stopped. WHAT?! God, thank You for reminding me that You're totally in control... You've got it all in Your hands. The same Jesus who stood up to a storm and said "Peace, be still!", and had the storm obey immediately, is the same Jesus who holds our Project in His hands. Why do I doubt and freak out?

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