Sunday, April 3, 2011

Life on Mission

Last night, Peter (frosh at UH) said to me "Man I can't wait to get back to school on Monday!" and I'm like "HUH?!" and he was like "Yeah! Gotta get God's love out there! The time is now! God is moving!" OH MAN was I convicted... Campus ministry is my JOB and I so easily forget the big picture of what we're doing. God had to bring a student to remind me of the passion that brought me here, the passion that should still be driving everything I do. Then today, I listened to a Reality LA podcast, and it was all about how we live our life on mission and how the Gospel (and the passion to share it) should define our relationships, display our motivations, and direct our ambitions. MAN. And then tonight, I got to read this month's prayer letter from my friend Kimiyo who is on STINT in Tokyo. God is doing crazy things over there... He is on the move around the world and is bringing many into a saving relationship with Himself! What am I doing wasting my time losing focus so often? UGH. Lord, help me to fix my eyes on Jesus, and to lay the Gospel as the motivating foundation of everything I do. Let all that I do be worship to You!

Check out Kimi's prayer letter with amazing updates from Japan here!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


i am honored to be in your blog. ps the same thing happened to me yesterday- the girl i wrote about in my letter who brought her 9 co-workers to church was telling me about it and was like "i can't wait to go tell more people!" and i was just like "oh man...i'm a missionary! am i that excited?" but i'm learning that to devote our lives to God is not just a one time thing- it's a choice we must make every day. i forget sometimes that i have to rely on God for EVERYTHING, even my passion to share His Word. may God give us even more passion every day! He's using you in awesome ways in HI gen-san! :)