Friday, April 1, 2011

Making Friends!!!!!!

6 hours. 6 hours of staff meeting today. Was it exhausting? Absolutely. Did I need a refresher afterwards to unwind at the end of a long but super productive week of ministry? Oh yes. Which is why it's great that I've been making friends lately :) There's a somewhat random group of local Christian twenty-somethings who hang out and I've been invited to chill with them a few times in the last week. Tonight was great as we just had a pleasant time hanging out at a diner, talking story (local talk for chatting) for like an hour. Encouraging time of sharing Jesus stories and getting to know each other! :)

1 comment:

Sam said...

Finding local community outside of Cru is so vital! I didn't realize how hard it was until I got an assignment with none of my college friends.

Did you find a manly hobby to keep yourself focused during those long meetings? I still vote for whittling!