Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Relaxation... or Ministry?

Jamie and I were going to have a couple of hours of summer project meetings tonight, so we decided that we'd take some time off this afternoon and go chill at the beach with my friend Tayler, in town from CA. It was so nice and relaxing to just spend a small part of the day sitting on the sand/going in the water at Waikiki. And we made friends- a man from South Carolina named Kevin, and a newly-wed couple from Japan! It was great having conversations with them, but I left kinda frustrated that I didn't get to share Christ with them. Especially the Japanese couple, since I know they'll have very limited (if any) opportunities to hear the Gospel in Japan. It inspired me to start going to Waikiki more often on my free days and just meet people and be more intentional about sharing Christ with them. I love doing evangelism on campus, but I also wanna do more of it just in everyday life! For now, gotta pray for Yoko and Takahiko, that God would have them cross paths with some more believers through whom He will plead with them to be reconciled to Him :)

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