Monday, August 30, 2010

Life is a highway

Yeah, I know the song is about the fast-paced, unpredictable nature of life, and about taking chances and all... and I can definitely relate with that in this period of my life.

But right now, I mean it literally. So much of my time these days is spent on the 10, the 110, the 405... It's all for a great reason- meeting up with people to share with them what all God is doing in the ministry and what all I'm excited about in going to Hawai'i (and getting to catch up with these people I rarely get to see!). So I'm not complaining- I love what I do. But take this week for example- already I have something like 330 miles of driving planned JUST with appointments in the next four days. Life is a highway.

The thing is, back when I was skating, I was driving a good 70 miles a day, most of which was during rush-hour traffic. And back then, I loved it! It was so easy for me to just sit in traffic, roll my windows down, feel the nice breeze, and just talk with God. Silence was golden- it was some of my best times with Him. I'm realizing now that I'm rather out of shape in spending quality time with God. I spend solid time in the Word and in prayer every day, but I guess I've forgotten a little bit how to just be with God. No bueno.

So I'm grateful for these opportunities to spend hours each day in my car, by myself, to remember again how to just enjoy the company of my Creator, my Savior, my Lord, my Father, my Friend. It might be a little bit awkward and uncomfortable at the beginning... but I know it's so worth it. HE's always been there wanting to hang out in deep, intimate fellowship. It's just me who hasn't been very present in our times together.

Relationships take work, right? Well, this is one relationship I'd be a fool not to invest in and work on. So bring on the long drives! Cuz really, driving the highway of life with God is one exciting and adventurous ride. Some parts are bumpy, some are long stretches of what looks like nothingness, and some parts have sharp, unexpected turns. But they're all SO good. Especially knowing the destination that the road is getting us to.
Life is a highway...

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