Tuesday, September 13, 2011

FINALLY Tabling at KCC

KCC's administration is a bit more strict about religious student organizations than other schools. So before we could do any tabling, we had to show them the material we'd be handing out, to have it pre-approved before we could even request a table. So even though we were supposed to table two weeks ago, we actually didn't get clearance til the end of last week, meaning that today was our first day tabling. So there was a huge hurdle to get over even just to get to tabling. And then when we showed up, there wasn't a table there for us... and then we saw the Christian cult group that's very active in Hawaii out in full force- they were allll over campus. So we definitely could feel the battle raging for KCC. But we finally got the table and stuff all figured out and had a REALLY fun and exciting time of tabling where we got 50 students to do spiritual interest surveys! We're gonna be spending some of the next few weeks following up with those people, but we definitely had some great spiritual conversations with some students who are really questioning their faith, and also met some students who are really excited about the existence of a Christian organization at KCC. We can't wait to see what all the Lord is going to do at KCC this year!

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