Wednesday, November 3, 2010

If I were a hermit crab...

At least I'd have a place to live.
Those are hermit crabs right? The ones that carry their shell around as a home and can "move" to a different shell home when they out-grow their old one?

Yeah, I'm definitely glad I'm a human being (made in God's image, and now brought into a personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ). But IF I were a hermit crab, I'd have an advantage on me in ONE category- having a place to live.

Yup, I'm two days away from 4 weeks living in Hawaii, and I have yet to find a place to live. It definitely has been frustrating and trying for my faith/patience/joy... But God is good. He knows what He's doing. His timing is perfect. He hasn't allowed me to find a place yet because it's not the time yet.

At the very least, I know that, when He does, I'll be dang grateful for it. Praying that during this time, He draws me to rely on Him so fully that even when I have a place to live, my place of comfort/safety- my "home"- isn't my apartment/house, but my quiet moments of intimacy with Him.

1 comment:

Michelle Greene said...

I feel your pain Gen, we couldn't find a house for a good month here. It can be tough, but I have never been that grateful to have a house before. So silly how we can take advantage of the greatest material gifts we have. Praying that you'll continue to trust in His perfect timing!