Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cool opportunity?

Why do I always forget that God directs my life and that nothing that happens is a surprise to Him? Silly Gen...

I was on the phone with my dear friend Sarah from SC last night. We were catching each other up on different goings-on in our lives, and I obviously was telling her that I had yet to find a place to live, and explained that I had just been couch surfing for the last four weeks (speaking of which- as of yesterday I've now been in Hawaii for four weeks!) with my director Shaun, my fellow staff team member Jamie, and my fraternity brother Justin. Her response was surprising:
"That's cool! You're living like the disciples and the early believers- what a great opportunity for them to show you hospitality, and for you to live in total dependence on God to provide for you through the generosity of His people!"

Her comment left me speechless for about three seconds. She was SO right! I completely trust and believe that the Lord will provide a place for me to live- a sweet place of rest where I can go to at the end of a long day of ministry. And I will continue to faithfully keep on looking for a place. But until the search is over, I also need to totally trust that this time of homelessness is also an intentional part of God's provision. Sarah went on to say that she believes our culture has ingrained in all of us a strong sense of independence and self-sufficiency. We don't know how to live with each other anymore. And yet, in the New Testament, we are exhorted over and over to practice true hospitality, to live in harmony with one another, to bear one another's burdens, to share what we have with those who are lacking. And Jesus Himself commanded His disciples to depend on the hospitality of people of peace when going on mission. Obviously Sarah wasn't saying that we shouldn't ever try to have our own place to live or be able to support ourselves. But I think she has a point- I've HATED having to couch surf, and it's not because it's inconvenient for me, but because it drives me crazy to have to be such a bother to people. I don't know how to let people be generous to me. The people I've stayed with have told me repeatedly that they really are happy to help and that I am not at all a burden or a nuisance. Yet I want to rob them of their joy in helping me by resisting their hospitality.

What a humbling season... but in an AWESOME way! What an attitude shift to go from faithlessness, anxiety, and frustration at my lack of success in house-hunting, to trusting in God's timing and rejoicing in the opportunity to grow in the Lord and learn humility in relying on God's people to bless me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so legit gen. totally understand how hard it is to rely on people. but if we truly want to be the church of Acts, we can't just pick and choose the things we like- we should embrace every aspect! may you be blessed by the people around you and be able to be a blessing to them as well :)