Monday, December 5, 2011

GOOD Morning

Yeah, definitely didn't sleep more than like 4 hours last night cuz Matt and I stayed up late talking. But this morning, my buddy Kyle (staff at SLO- JUST reported last week!) and I got coffee and hung out for hours, praying for each other, talking about life and ministry and Jesus, and doing prep work for Crossroads Conference together. It was really, really good and therapeutic. And then Crossroads started tonight with all the juniors and seniors showing up to explore over the weekend what it means to seek God as they make decisions about post-college life. SO FUN.

Yeah, it's been a crazy busy few days but I absolutely love it all. Being on campus in Hawaii is great, but as you all know, it's been a rather hard period of time, and it's nice to have a change of scenery for a bit, being surrounded by a community that really gives me life.

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