Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Higher Failure Rate

Sometimes coaching meetings are super exciting, where we get to talk about all the crazy things that God is doing, and we just get to discuss what to do about all that and where to go from there. And then there are times when coaching meetings involve talking about how nothing's working. Today's coaching meeting with Dylan and Mitch at KCC was like that. After some weeks of trying, almost absolutely nothing is happening at KCC- no one is coming to the meetings, no students (other than our leaders) are excited about the idea of Cru, evangelism isn't really happening. But honestly, it was an AWESOME coaching time, because we got to talk through what it means to be on a campus with a pioneering-stage movement. The reality is that the rate of failure is much higher on a pioneering campus, and that's not a bad thing. The "failures" are just a part of the "figuring out" process. Dylan and Mitch have been tremendously faithful student leaders, and Nat and I got to encourage them in that, and then we just talked through what we could try. And then in the end, we realized that we should probably be praying more... and so we spent the last chunk of our time praying that God would give us His heart for the campus, and would bring us into what He is doing. It was a GREAT coaching session!

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