Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I missed it by an HOUR!!!!

So Sunday and Monday in LA were heinously hot. I know everyone's tweets and facebook statuses talked about it, so I feel like I'm just being a bandwagoner. But I have a slightly frustrated perspective on it.

Now, first, let me remind you all that I cannot stand heat. I don't know how I'll survive in Hawaii and I'm pretty sure God started prepping me for the adjustment in climate by having me go on a week-long trip to the Dominican Republic over spring break (up to that point, the hottest/most humid/most miserable weather I'd ever experienced) and then by spending five weeks in Orlando this summer for New Staff Training (now, the hottest/most humid/most miserable weather I've ever experienced).

But even with my absolute dislike of heat and my passionate love of semi-cold weather, I'm really mad that I MISSED THE HOTTEST DAY IN LOS ANGELES HISTORY (see the LA Times story here that proves Angelenos weren't just being whiny about it getting a little warmer than our usual year-round 75F with no humidity)! UGH! I love records! I love being able to say "I was there for that"! And yet, on Monday, I left Los Angeles at 11:10 am (when it was already well into the triple digits) for a support trip to Phoenix (which, quite ironically, turned out to be an escape from the LA heat), and an hour and five minutes later, the thermometer in downtown Los Angeles FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE TEMPERATURES HAVE BEEN RECORDED hit 113 degrees Fahrenheit!!


I got to Phoenix and found out that the high that day was only 106. Weaksauce.

Sigh... Maybe I just have to be alive for another 120 years or so and maybe, just maybe, I'll be there when LA hits 114. :)

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