Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rocked Already

Day 1 of briefing is over! Well, for us directors, at least. The students show up tomorrow. Exciting stuff!

Today was intense. Not only was everyone pretty physically beat, but we had to process a lot of logistical info, and then we had an hour and a half where we each just went off and spent time with the Lord with a devotional to direct us in reflecting on where our hearts are. MAN! So much stuff came up. It's been such a busy time that I hadn't really taken the time to see how I was doing spiritually and really take care of my relationship with Jesus. It was great just meditating, basically that entire time, on the power of the gospel and what it means to me. I don't think any of us here wants to lead project from any place other than of being compelled by love. Thank You, Lord, for the power of Your love, Your gospel, Your Word, Your truth.

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