Monday, May 16, 2011


Real, raw, honest conversation about God. SO refreshing. No pretending, no faking, no sugarcoating. Because walking with the Lord isn't always sugary. In fact, so much of it is a painful process of letting go of things you don't want to let go of. Yeah, the payout is spectacular and the joy and abundance that's promised is beyond description. But this walk isn't easy, and getting to share in that with people is awesome. Just came from such a chat. This is why I do what I do- so that I can be used by God to help college students experience the kind of real, not-always-fluffy-and-that's-ok relationship with God and God's people.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

legit. are you guys at briefing yet??? when do you get in to Tokyo on Saturday????? we have a huge outreach event in the evening but i want to come greet you if i can!!!