Wednesday, March 31, 2010

God knows food is important to me :)

I got to tithe this weekend since I had just gotten paid- I love tithing, and I love how God always provides when we're faithful with our tithing.

Well, on Monday, I actually had to spend more money that I was originally intending to, but it was for good/necessary/ministry-related things. So I started freaking out a little bit, but I remembered God's promises for provision, and I chose to rejoice in the fact that I got to tithe on Saturday and trust God with my finances. Tuesday morning I woke up and was talking with God, and I told Him something to the effect of "God, I really don't have too much money and I had to spend more than 2 days' worth yesterday. I thank You for Your provision, and that the money is still going to be enough. But I would just LOVE it if you would provide free meals for me today." Haha. It might seem like a silly prayer but I totally meant it and trusted that He could and may do that for me.

So I get to staff prayer at 10am, and Heather quickly offered half a breakfast burrito that she'd just gotten at Pete's (AMAZING breakfast burritos- on Hoover just south of 24th); apparently it was too much food for her. "Wow, God, thanks!" I thought. Then I get a text from my friend Sarah, with whom I was supposed to have lunch. "Come to my house- we have yummy leftover enchiladas. Free lunch!" 2 down. I was going to have dinner around 6 when I met with my buddy Matt for our weekly Bible study planning/encouragement time but then I got a text from my friend Christina saying that he and I should go to her (and Heather's) apartment at 7 and have dinner because she and her friend cooked. So we did that.

Seriously, God provided 3 free, filling, delicious meals that day, because He knew that I would be blessed by it, and because He wanted to show His faithfulness to me (and because He's just AWESOME). I obviously don't advocate loving/believing in God for the sake of getting things from Him, but seeing Him fulfill His scriptural promises, and take care of me/provide for me as His precious child is pretty sweet!

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