Monday, March 22, 2010

Outside the snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoo hoo!"

We interrupt this string of posts about hot and humid Santo Domingo, DR to bring you a report on our awesome Spring Retreat in cold and snowy Crowley Lake, CA.

This year, for our Spring Retreat, we decided to go back to Crowley Lake, the site for my first two Spring Retreats with USC Cru, back in '05 and '06. It was a GREAT retreat- the weather was just gorgeous, the snow was pristine in whiteness, the fellowship was refreshing, the schedule was relaxing... so much to praise God for.

It was also VERY bittersweet. On the one hand, I was soaking in a sea of nostalgia as I reminisced about my experiences at the same Church on the Mountain (where we stay) 4 and 5 years ago

and thought joyfully through my 6 years involved in Cru at USC. On the other hand, I was oh-so aware of the fact that this was my last USC Cru retreat, and that was definitely sad. But the best part of it all was that in the midst of the sadness, I also felt an overwhelming amount of peace knowing that God is taking such good care of our movement, and that I am, indeed, ready to move on after more than half a decade here.

The worship was led by a team of 3 freshmen and 1 sophomore who brought us before the Lord each and every time we got together to sing praises to Him.

A sophomore and a junior led an evangelism training time and then a bunch of students got together to go out into the city of Mammoth to meet people and talk to them about Christ. Students who were freshmen when I had met them as a 4th year were now Seniors themselves and were giving Senior testimonies that spoke deep encouragement to the hearts of the students and staff.

The movement at USC is in good hands. Our student ownership is phenomenal and it was the greatest blessing to be able to enjoy this retreat as a last hurrah, completely trusting that awesome things will continue to happen because of God's work through the awesome hearts of the students. Praise God!

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